Need Help?

Abiding Presence offers a “no questions asked” food pantry for anyone in need. This is our primary method of offering assistance. We are not able to provide rental, gas, clothing, gift card or cash assistance.

Food Pantry Address: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, 6304 Lee Chapel Rd., Burke VA 22015

Food Pantry Hours: 2nd & 4th Saturdays from 8:30-11:30 a.m.

Upcoming Food Pantry 2025 Dates:
February 22
March 8 & 22
April 12 & 26
May 10 & 24
June 14 & 28
July 12 & 26
August 9 & 23
September 13 & 27
October 11 & 25
November 8 & 22
December 13 

Food Pantry Information

The Abiding Presence Food Pantry is open to all families and individuals in need of food assistance. There are no eligibility requirements or prior signup needed to receive food.

We strive to provide meat, eggs, dairy, beans, rice and fresh produce at each pantry. There also may be canned goods, bakery items and children’s lunch box snacks. Types and quantity of food items vary based on availability. There are limits on the number of items a household may receive. The number of people in your household does not determine the amount of food a household will receive. 

Please bring your own reusable bags. We have a limited supply of paper bags.

To insure that everyone has a pleasant experience and feels respected we ask you to follow the Abiding Presence Food Pantry Policy.

Food Pantry Policy

  • Food can only be picked up by adults over the age of 18.

  • Please be considerate and respectful of others who have been waiting in line.

  • Everyone must join the line in the order that they arrive at the pantry. At 7:30 am, we will begin giving each household a number for entry into the pantry. You must be in line to receive your number. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

  • You may not save a place in line for your friends or family.

  • You may pick up food only for your household. A household is defined as people who live at the same address.

  • You may only pick up food once per pantry distribution.

Additional Resources

The links below are other community resources not affiliated with Abiding Presence. Some organizations have eligibility requirements:

Human Services Resource Guide (Food, Housing, Mental Health)

ECHO-Ecumenical Community Helping Others

Neighborhood & Community Services-Coordinated Services Planning- 703-222-0880

Capital Area Food Bank