9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service (In-Person & Online)
10:05-10:45 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service (In-Person & Online)
All of our worship services include music, scripture, prayers, a sermon and Holy Communion. The words and music you need to participate in the service can be found in the worship bulletin you will receive at the beginning of the service. They are also projected on the screens in the front of the sanctuary.
During the Children’s Sermon at our services, kids are invited to come forward to the front of the church to sit on the floor for a 3-4 minute special message just for them. Children are welcomed and encouraged to be part of all of our worship services.
During the summer, our worship service reflects music from both the contemporary and traditional traditions. On any given Sunday you might find piano, violin, guitar, drums, flute, organ and more in our worship ensemble. We will sing both traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs.
Our regular schedule has both a Contemporary Worship Service and a Traditional Worship Service. The Contemporary Worship Service is led by our worship ensemble that includes piano, strings, brass, wind instruments, percussion and vocalists. There is a place in this service for every instrument from a triangle to a tuba! The Traditional Worship Service is led by piano, organ and choir.
It takes a variety of people each week to make worship happen. If you have ideas or questions about how to get involved, contact David Chávez, Music & Worship Minister, at dave@abidingpresence.net. Here are just a few of the ways you can help.
Read scripture — Email Heather and we’ll add you to the schedule.
Assist with setup or serve as an usher at one of our services. Email Heather and we’ll add you to the schedule.
All second grade and older children are welcome to be an acolyte at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. services. They are responsible for lighting candles, collecting communion cups, and extinguishing candles at the end of the service. If your child is interested, please email Heather.
Join the Tech Team — We need tech-inclined people to help with audio and video production and support. Email Dave if you’re interested.