Rev. Meredith Lovell KeseleySenior Pastor

I have the wonderful opportunity of serving as the Senior Pastor of Abiding Presence. I first felt called to be a pastor while in middle school, so I am lucky enough to have my dream job. I consider it a great privilege to be able to walk with people throughout their lives as they grow in faith and in their relationship with God. I especially enjoy preaching, teaching and counseling. Abiding Presence is an energetic congregation where no day is ever the same as the previous day, which keeps me learning and doing new things.

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Rev. Kelsey KressePastor for Youth and College-Age Ministries


    Kelsey Kresse is a 2021 graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Pastor Kelsey is originally from Erie PA and has a BA in Art History from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a Young Adults in Global Mission Alumna, having served with the Malagasy Lutheran Church in Madagascar from 2014-2015. After feeling called to ministry in Madagascar, she served with Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Maryland before going to seminary. In her ministry, she is passionate about building affirming and intentional faith spaces for children, youth, and young adults as they make decisions about what they want the world to look like. Kelsey is mom to Kayak, the cockapoo, and enjoys textile crafts, show tunes, and Downton Abbey.

Dr. David E. Chávez, Music & Worship Minister

I have the great privilege of working with the musicians and all sorts of creative people and supporting volunteers at Abiding Presence, overseeing all aspects of music and technology ministry, as well as contributing to worship planning, communications, and volunteer scheduling. From playing organ and piano, to directing the adult/youth/bell choirs and praise bands, to writing arrangements for our orchestra and brass, to setting up lighting and sound with our wonderful tech volunteers, to designing new graphics or video edits, you might find me at any place in the church any hour of the week! What I love most is enabling and encouraging people to use their gifts to worship and glorify God and serve each other. My job is to help you get connected and involved in our music and arts ministries in whatever way you are called!

Prior to coming to Abiding Presence in 2014, I served as the Minister of Music and Worship Arts at Front Royal United Methodist Church, and prior to that in professional and volunteers capacities at a variety of different faith communities. I earned my Bachelor of Music (composition) and Master of Music (theory-composition) degrees from Penn State, and my Doctor of Musical Arts (composition) degree from George Mason University.

Outside of Abiding Presence, I teach some college music theory classes, I play piano and compose for various groups (including Opera on Tap DC Metro), and I love to visit new coffee shops and breweries.

If you play an instrument, love to sing or are just willing to serve, please send me an email or come find me and I'll get you connected!

Michaela Putnam-Kwon, Children & Family Minister

Michaela Putnam-Kwon is the Children & Family Minister at Abiding Presence. She graduated in May 2022 with her Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education and Formation from Princeton Theological Seminary. Ms. Michaela is originally from Minnesota and has a BA in Missional Ministries from Bethel University St. Paul. She is committed to supporting the mission of the Church and is passionate about uplifting, caring for, and ministering to children. Alongside her love for ministry, she also loves a good cup of coffee and exploring Korean food and culture with her family. Michaela is excited to explore more of the East Coast with her husband, Kyle.

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Sharon Downs, Office Manager & Food Ministry Community Relations Coordinator

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Heather Pace, Communications Coordinator & Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Heather is from Oakton, VA and graduated from Roanoke College with a BA in Religion. She has run call centers and the procurement department for the world’s largest curriculum provider, served as Interim Director of Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center, and currently teaches piano and voice to children and adults. Heather’s biggest passion is helping people of all ages and stages. She is an avid baker, loves to cook, make jam, quilt, knit, felt, and garden. In her spare time you’ll find her and her husband throwing the frisbee for Tigger, their Corgi/Heeler, again and again until the frisbee gets tired.

Melody Light, Office Assistant

Jose Corena, Facilities Manager

Aidan Tingen, Worship Technology Assistant