Advent Jazz Vespers

Saturday, December 2 at 6:00 p.m.
Advent Jazz Vespers is an annual Abiding Presence tradition! It’s a favorite service filled with jazz, scripture, prayer and Holy Communion. Abiding Presence member Craig Fraedrich ( and friends come together to lead the service. Advent Jazz Vespers marks the official kick-off of the holiday season at Abiding Presence. Following the service, we’ll have a dessert reception and the chance to gather with friends old and new.

Fair Trade Winds Display
Before, after and during Advent Jazz Vespers as well as on Sunday morning, Fair Trade Winds will have a popup display in the church narthex. Fair Trade Winds is a local, Lutheran-owned small business selling fair trade gifts. Get a jump start on your Christmas shopping while putting your faith into action. A portion of the proceeds will go to support the Abiding Presence Mental Health Ministry, which is providing low cost and barrier-free counseling to anyone who needs it.

Meredith Keseley