A Pastoral Message for Before the Election
Writing to the early church in Rome about the suffering of the present moment, the apostle Paul asks, “What then are we to say about these things?” (Romans 8:31) He goes on to say, “If God is for us, who is against us?” Then he talks about how nothing - absolutely nothing - can separate us from the love of God.
Heading into this election week, I draw strength from Paul’s questioning of what we might say in the face of the evil forces of this world and the promise that no earthly powers can overthrow God. I am writing Romans 8:31-39 on my heart. I encourage you to write it on yours, too. These are scripture words to hold close.
Then, once those words of scripture are written on our hearts, I encourage us to start asking questions, too. As people of faith, what are we to say about the time in which we are living and the state of our world? Our faith drives us to the voting booth and it shapes the choices we make when we get there. What will we say about who we believe God to be through the votes we cast?
To be clear, when Paul speaks of God being “for us,” he is not suggesting that means God is “against” others. God is for all of us, all those who are created in God’s image (that means everyone!). God’s promise is that the forces of sin, death and evil are no match for the God who came down from heaven to die on the cross for us and for the world. No power of this world can - or will - ever top that.
On the eve of the election, we will pray. Our prayers will not sway the election. God is not sitting in heaven counting prayers like ballots. Instead, our prayers will sway us. They will strengthen us for whatever is to come. They will drive away hate from our hearts. They will move us towards peace. They will give us the words to say about these times, the courage to act and the assurance of God’s for all people. Write scripture on your heart, pray and vote. God’s got this. God’s got us. God is for us, and that means for all of us.