New Year's Eve in the Church
Happy New Year’s Eve! Today is Christ the King Sunday and, in the church, that means that it is New Year’s Eve. Christ the King is the last Sunday of our liturgical year. Next Sunday, we will begin a new year with the season of Advent.
“Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost…then we’re back to Advent.” As a child in my church’s children’s choir, this was the song we sung about the seasons of the church year. (You would never know it by my singing today, but I sang in church choir from preschool through 12th grade!) We would be assigned a season based on the color clothes we were wearing that day and get to stand up when we sang that season’s name. Today, I still sing that song in my head each time I go through the church year.
The church year gives a rhythm to our lives as followers of Jesus. Each year we tell the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection through the seasons of the church year. We watch and wait for Christ’s return. We hope in a story that is not yet finished.
Our worship this morning will feel a bit different. We will go through the entire church year with scripture readings and songs to remember where we have been and where we are going. It is the chance for us to capture the whole church year in a single worship service. It is the liturgical version of a New Year’s Eve party!
It might feel a little strange singing an Easter hymn on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Remember, though, we believe that every Sunday is a mini-Easter where we celebrate Christ’s resurrection.
I pray that through our worship this day that you might fall into the rhythm of the church year to anchor your life through the times in which we are living. Hear the story. Experience the hope. Recognize the power of what it means to declare Christ to be King. Not just a king among many, but the King of all of creation and the King of our lives.