Building Connections: Oliver’s Abiding Story

When Oliver was in high school, he and his family were looking for a church that was accepting of all. “After a visit to worship at Abiding Presence we decided yep, we’re definitely coming here,” Oliver recalled. Pastor Meredith setup a coffee meeting with him and he recalled, “I didn’t show up with a great attitude but Pastor Meredith said, ‘Great! I’ll see you next week!’” He shared, “It was weird for a pastor to take that stance but it was good regardless of what I was showing up with.” Oliver grew to enjoy hanging out with other teens and liked the messages that were open-minded and that people should help each other. “At Abiding Presence we acknowledge the negative things in the world and that we have to live in that world but regardless of what it’s like we should do our best to improve it,” he shared.

While in college in March 2020 Oliver shared that his Spring Break never ended because of the Covid pandemic. “At that time Pastor Meredith was looking for something to do with the college-age youth and I took a job for her doing graphic design,” he said. The following year he and Pastor Meredith collaborated on how to improve our interactions and worship experiences for LQBTQ+ youth. “She was open to what I had to say and I felt heard,” he shared. After returning to school in the fall of 2021, Oliver returned to the Abiding Presence college-age intern program in the summers of 2023 and 2024. “When I came back I felt welcomed and I just knew it was going to be the same compassionate place that it had been before,” Oliver said.

Friendships forged as camp staff have deepened for Oliver throughout his school year. “This summer I got to hang out with a bunch of friends every day and now three of us meet up several times a month,” he said. “We started our friendship with a level of vulnerability doing daily devotions together so it was easier to get closer with them,” he shared. “I’m better friends with them than I would be with someone else in the same amount of time because we had the space to say what we wanted and help one another with whatever we’re going through,” he said.

Oliver is now leading Confirmation on Sunday mornings and really enjoys working with the youth. “Coming to church each week is my reset where I feel prepared for what life brings in the coming week,” he shared. “As Confirmation leaders we’re trying to help these youth have a community and a connections-focused experience with one another and demonstrating different ways of what it looks like to be the church,” he said. “Abiding Presence feels like home where I never feel like I have to put on a face,” Oliver said. “I can show up wholly as I am, I’m welcomed here and feel at peace just existing as myself,” he shared.

Heather PaceAbiding Stories