Our current session of Kids Music meets on Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:15 p.m., from January 21 through April 8, 2025.
Join Ms. Nicole and Dr. Dave on Tuesdays for our Abiding Kids Music program! Abiding Kids Music for 2025 expands to TWO groups: Preschool-2nd and 3rd-5th grades! These groups participate in ensemble singing and playing instruments with music from a variety of cultures. All of our Kids Music opportunities follow four guiding principles:
Sing! We explore ways to lift our voices to offer praise and show love.
Play! We explore a variety of musical instruments to offer praise and show love, and we make play—fun, games, and laughter—a part of every activity.
Move! We engage our bodies and minds in worship and praise through movement and stillness.
Pray! We offer music and other performing arts to honor God and to be the church.
We will also choose specific Sundays to sing/play in church!
Sign up below! Questions? Email Dr. Dave.