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Annual Congregational Meeting

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church 6304 Lee Chapel Road Burke, VA 22015 United States (map)

Sunday, January 26 at 10:00 a.m

Abiding Presence's Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 26 at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.  
Cafe Sessions will be held on Sundays, January 12 and 19 from 10:05-10:50 a.m. during the Abiding Table. At this time, Pastor Keseley and the church council will present the proposed budget, changes to the constitution and engage in dialogue about the exciting things planned for 2025.

While the Annual Meeting is a business meeting, it is also a time of joyful celebration of where we've been and where we are going. All are welcome to attend. Voting members at the annual meeting are those on the confirmed membership roles of the church. (Want to become a member of Abiding Presence? It's as simple as filling out this online form.)

The agenda for the meeting will include: 

  • 2025 budget

  • Electing council members and voting members to the synod assembly

  • Amending our constitution to bring the document in alignment with the 2022 ELCA model constitution (the most recent version). The church council has voted to recommend approval of the changes to the congregation at the annual meeting. The amendments to the constitution can be viewed here. The approval process is described in the constitution as follows:

*C16.04.    This constitution may be amended to bring any section into conformity with a section or sections, either required or not required, of the Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as most recently amended by the Churchwide Assembly. Such amendments may be approved by a majority vote of those voting members present and voting at any legally called meeting of this congregation without presentation at a prior meeting of this congregation, provided that the Congregation Council has submitted by mail or electronic means, as permitted by state law, notice to this congregation of such an amendment or amendments, together with the council’s recommendations, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Upon the request of at least two (2) voting members of this congregation, the Congregation Council shall submit such notice. Following the adoption of an amendment, the secretary of this congregation shall submit a copy thereof to the synod. Such provisions shall become effective immediately following the congregation’s vote of approval.

Earlier Event: January 26
Youth Annual Meeting Bingo!
Later Event: January 29
Snow Tubing